All Aboard the Fail Train! (Note to Newbies)

Welcome to Sporks are Useless! A blog of random, useless, spork-like spam spontaneously posted by 2 authors, Hikari and Dancing Toast, twin girls with no lives, cranky and sarcastic attitudes, chaotically insane minds, and occasional violent mood swings. We will be responsible for making your visit to XXYYZ-I as frightening entertaining as possible.
Enjoy your stay at Sporks Are Useless and check out the blogs we follow on our profile!
See you on the dark side of the moon!
~The Sporks Team, Hikari and DancingToast

Saturday, August 8, 2009


Alright, so september is approaching (not really, but ill need to plan all this out) AND XXYYZ-I WANT YOU *points like uncle sam*
I need all followers or anyone reading this post to comment and tell me what you want to see more of.
Parody's, XXYYZ-I items, reviews, quotes, etc.
Cause september marks the one year anniversary of XXYYZ-I's tourist program. YAYAY.
Again, whether or not we'll be allowing tours to continue is questionable, but tell us what you'd like to see on sporks.