I'm not afraid to admit it; I'm quite proud of it, in fact.
Second semester is here! I totally did not see it coming so quickly, but I have good grades! So all is well! Whee! Ooh! I started drawing again! I kinda deteriorated, but I
will get better! I'm so excited. :3
I'm also very excited to see how
Avatar: The Last Airbender will end. Toast and I just finished Book 2 yesterday. Toast and I are Zuko fans. :D I really hate the canon pairing of Zuko and Mei though. She's too mellow and boring. Zuko needs someone with enough feelings for both of them since Zuko's kinda mellow too. Katara's slightly annoying when she's angry, so she can't be with anyone but Aang. Aang will love her for just being her silly self because he's too
blind nice, so they'll go perfectly together. Although, she's actually competent, so I guess I can't say anything about Katara. I actually like her a bit. And one thing is kinda funny: Sokka has kissed more girls than any other character in the show, but he's the one who's been made fun of about not having any girlfriends the most often. :P Also, one of my favorite characters in that show is Uncle Iroh. He's hilarious and awesome. His voice actor is also really good. But enough about
Avatar, how's life been to you guys lately?
This is not the most flattering picture of him. It's just the brightest one with him not being uber angry.