All Aboard the Fail Train! (Note to Newbies)

Welcome to Sporks are Useless! A blog of random, useless, spork-like spam spontaneously posted by 2 authors, Hikari and Dancing Toast, twin girls with no lives, cranky and sarcastic attitudes, chaotically insane minds, and occasional violent mood swings. We will be responsible for making your visit to XXYYZ-I as frightening entertaining as possible.
Enjoy your stay at Sporks Are Useless and check out the blogs we follow on our profile!
See you on the dark side of the moon!
~The Sporks Team, Hikari and DancingToast

Monday, December 22, 2008


Hullo guys! I'm back!Did you miss me? No?Okay....
So anyhoos, I'm back from a cruise and it was awesome!
But I got sand in my pants, so when I took off my pants to take a shower, a whole pile of sand fell to the floor.
But that news is over the tape and a piece of pumpkin pie.
How is your day so far? You going to do something for the holidays and get lots of gifts like the spoiled brats you are? Just kidding.AHAHA!!KNEE-SLAP KNEE-SLAP!!
Well anyway, it's winter break over here on planet XXYYZ-I I dunno about you guys but it's two blissful weeks without school and I'm not going back until Janus-month(January)!
So I hope you all have wonderful holidays either eating latkes,spinning dreidles,or for you Christmas folk out there, putting up the Christmas tree!Kwanza people,I have no idea what the heck you do, but Mappy Kwanza!

Bye and Mappy Christ-nuka people!
~Spaghetti Bunny

1 people actually love us.:

Becky Li said...

heyyyy Spaghetti! first comment on this post, it seems so lonely with the 0 comments, well, at least I made it 1! Happy Holidays to you too, and, I'm coming to XXYYZ-I
*Fireworks explode* yayyyy, to a party, and I'll see you and Izumi there!