All Aboard the Fail Train! (Note to Newbies)

Welcome to Sporks are Useless! A blog of random, useless, spork-like spam spontaneously posted by 2 authors, Hikari and Dancing Toast, twin girls with no lives, cranky and sarcastic attitudes, chaotically insane minds, and occasional violent mood swings. We will be responsible for making your visit to XXYYZ-I as frightening entertaining as possible.
Enjoy your stay at Sporks Are Useless and check out the blogs we follow on our profile!
See you on the dark side of the moon!
~The Sporks Team, Hikari and DancingToast

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Okay, Alright, Fine!

Geez, I'm posting.

As Sunshine said, Toast and I have our birthdays on Friday! *confetti explodes out of nowhere* I hate it when that happens in movies and video games. Stuff comes out of nowhere all the time.
Apparently, mosquitoes tend to favor people who are very stressed out. Ooh, about the word 'nowhere": It can mean something really happy or something quite morbid. Watch:


"Happiness is now here." Happy.
"Happiness is nowhere." Morbid.


2 people actually love us.:

Andrea said...

I MISSED YOUR BIRTHDAYS!!! jfhkjhgkjdhgk Fudgeit. ;_;

Happiness is now here? Please? FOR MUUUUUUUUSE?

Geraldine The Chipmunk said...

Also. "Happiness. I SNOW HERE!"
but that makes no sense, so....